In chapter 6, I have asked myself. Can anybody truly ever have true knowledge. The disbelief and any claims or true knowledge, can be referred to as what I call scepticism. After my recent encounter with the dragon. I have come to the conclusion that he has obtained true knowledge. "Whatever I may have understood or misunderstood in the dragon's talk, something much deeper had stayed with me"(pg 75). Scepticism refers to this particular concept because unlike the dragon, I have unfortunately not obtained true knowledge.
The events were not all that bad in a long run. The dragon a spell on me, it makes it so that I don't feel pain against any weapons that could cut me. This is a major game changer for me. And also bad news for Hrothgar, and the thanes."I could walk up to the mead hall whenever I pleased, and they were powerless"(76). This spell then gave me the ability to attack the mead hall. Which then sparked the start of the war. In my life I have never had anyone stand up to me, at least not until Unferth. I chuckled when I laid my eyes upon this so called "hero". I started to throw apples at him. I was struck by laughter, what kind of hero can't even make it past a few apples. I began to mock Unferth, I then knocked over a table that landed on top of him, burying himself in an avalanche of apples. I have never seen a "hero" cry before. I decided not to kill him in the end. In conclusion, it was a pretty fun day

Https:// Pictures&Safe=Strict&Rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS812US812&Source=Lnms&Tbm=Isch&Sa=X&Ved=0ahUKEwjK4Yym-fndAhWQZd8KHc7aAeEQ_AUIDigB&Biw=1366&Bih=626#Imgrc=GrFGykfgc6FpOM:
This is actually a pretty good response that I agree with. I enjoy that second paragraph a lot, but I feel the first paragraph is somewhat forced. Have Grendel come to his skepticism near the end of this blog entry. I also really like how you simplified the basic plot line of this chapter. I was still left wondering if you had a video/link at all, and I was looking for more citations. But overall, this one is very good!
ReplyDeleteAs a monster living before the time of great thinkers it is incredible that you are the true creator of the philosophy of skepticism. Instead of talking about the philosophy itself relate the philosophy to events in in the story. There is not enough commentary, but the little you do have leaves me wanting more. This could be improved but is a good start.