Hrothgar's brother is unfortunately killed so therefore Hrothgar's nephew Hrothulf comes to live with him. At this point in time Hrothgar is already the father of two other sons. Hrothgar tries to help Hrothulf, and all of his trauma of being an orphan. "Fourteen years old and a God-damned pretender"(112). In secret he suspects that Hrothulf might secretly be against him and try to over throw him. This is important because it still shows that even in the royal family things still aren't perfect. I later saw Hrothulf in the woods looking at a massive tree. He noticed all of the squirrels and birds that have made a home in the tree. I then noticed that he began to kill any plant in sight within a relative distance of the tree. This is important because it might be an indirect comparison to Hrothgar and all of his thanes.
I have also noticed the behavior of Hrothulf. He appears to be much friendlier to Wealtheow. I still have yet to come to an understanding as of why. Almost a year later goes by and his behavior has not changed at all. It might have even gotten worse since he first arrived at Hart. I have noticed that he has blocked everyone out, except Red Horse, who serves as guidance to Hrothulf even though he is just an elderly peasant. Red Horse gives Hrothulf ideas to plan out is "revenge". "But satisfy the grred of the majority, and the rest will do you no harm"(118). And I know that this is not good news for Hrothgar.

This one I think could use a little more work. I want to know what Grendel thinks of all of this too, you know? I also would have loved to have seen some more analysis on Hrothulf's experiences into Machiavellian ideals. I wanna get into the philosophy of the chapter. I will say the tone for Grendel here is great, both conversational yet intelligent! Also, MLA citations might look more professional here for this. Other than those things, this blog post is pretty solid.
ReplyDeleteThe quote int paragraph one was not set up which is a problem. However, the choice of the quote was quite good. The excerpt that you chose showed Grendel's feelings about Hrothulf clearly. In the second paragraph there should be more commentary about the Machiavellian philosophy. The ties between Red Horse and the Machiavellian philosophy would improve this already good post.